Sunday, September 17, 2023

My NEW Found Inspiration!!!!!!

 Well, hello, it's been awhile!  This last year has been full of challenges and ups and downs, my paper crafting has been here, there and everywhere!  I'm working on a very labor intense project, that when complete, I definitely will share to the world.  It may be Christmas 2024 before that happens, and at this rate, perhaps 2025.  That being said, I truly LOVE working on it...  

Soooooooooooooooooooo....  what keeps me motivated?  Well...  I was introduced to something very fun...  like very FUNN...  called Craft Roulette.  Here is the link, and my this weeks contribution.

People who know me, have probably by now figured out, that I'm not as tech savvy as I could be, I JUST THIS YEAR ... started watching YouTube videos.  I see I can access them from my big screen Smart TV, I always could, but never thought about it, until I wanted to see who won Last Chance kitchen the day after each Top Chef aired.  My kids think I'm in the Flinstones days, I have a feeling.... I have been last to the party.  About 5 months ago, I received a Facebook invite to follow the Craft Roulette page... I never gave it much thought, and was a little confused about the concept.  It wasn't until this summer, did I decide to check it out.  Well... once I did, I never EVER looked back.  I have been toying with doing some sort of online craft something/business for a few years now, and sort of wish I had, this group is so much fun to play along with.  The weekly guests truly have exposed me to companies I never knew of, and the originator of Craft Roulette is a pure joy and delight to follow.  My concept isn't even close to this, nor will it be if I ever do my "thing"... but what I've learned, is to NOT BE INTIMIDATED!  I should know this, as in my chocolate business, I've had hesitation to try new business ideas....  RARELY am I disappointed with my decisions... I just need to go with it!

So... WHAT IS CRAFT ROULETTE?  you ask?  lol  (you really need to tune in to hear this question!)  Craft Roulette is owned by Mary Funn, (and  her son, I believe).... who has created 4 parameters, each with 24 wheel options...  The "wheel" is spun once on each parameter which then determines what you are creating with.  The concept is so cool, and my oh my...does it open up the creative gates, at least for me.  It has inspired me, and more important, has triggered me to use older, unloved  supplies that haven't seen the light of day for over 20 years!!!!  This post is getting very long winded, so I'll stop for now...  I urge you to go to my facebook page to see more:

I have uploaded my 11 entries of Craft Roulette.  I missed a couple of weeks, I was sick for one, the other in a bad mood.  lol ...  I'll try to post updates here moving forward.  I lost my password, but found it... hahaha  Not sure anyone even comes to this blog, but if you do...  STAY TUNED!!!!!

My this weeks contribution was a ton of fun!  I enjoyed playing in The Trudio Studio this weekend, that's for sure!!!

 Toodles... Trudi

When You Wish Upon a Star!

 My recent Craft Roulette entry couldn't have fallen into place any better than it did...  It was almost as if Mr. Wheel was in my craft...