Thursday, February 1, 2024

Catching Up!!!! Craft Roulette's

The holidays are never easy for me to get in a crafting routine.  In fact, because we are so dang crazy busy in our chocolate business...I really don't get much quality time in The Trudio Studio, and I've even found the burnout after the holidays has caused me to be blah blah blah with many parts of my well being, or interests.  2023 was a hard year for me personally, and I had great plans to work through my physical owies...but on a personal level, I wasn't able to rally myself....  It was around June, when I decided to dabble a little in a fun crafting challenge called "Craft Roulette"....  I had heard about it, but didn't really know what it was all about!  I hate to even admit this, but it was on YouTube even, another something, I had never really gotten into....

So...I jumped in and decided to "play" along ... submitted my card, and shared on the Craft Roulette facebook page....  After my first week... I.WAS.HOOKED.  I played again and again and again...and to date, have participated 22 times...  

The website is EASY to navigate:

Every Friday night, I catch the new episode on YouTube, as it is recorded live before my workday is over...I like to listen/watch it, while I'm in The Trudio Studio...  either working on a very labor intense project I've been creating for over a year, or...creating the weeks challenge.  What I'm getting out of this is many fold:

  1. Learning to create FASTER than I'm used to....  (maybe all the extra steps I'm used to really aren't that necessary?)  That's been a challenge for me...I typically like to ink up the background cardstock, and make several "extra" cards, etc...but, that is truly what slows me down, and then I tend to have unfinished cards everywhere...I'm learning to do ONE AND DONE...and move on!  Sometimes I am not fully in love with my creation, as if I were to play longer, I'd tweak it a's getting easier and easier to MOVE ON!!!  
  2. I'm using so so SO many supplies that have been neglected, never touched or saved for a rainy day...  My impulse buying has qualified me to say, I have enough supplies for a craft store...I really only need to replace adhesives at this point.  It's really self-rewarding to  have found a use for a stamp set or cardstock that I purchased over 20 years ago, and NEVER used until NOW
  3. My creativity is on steroids right now, so it passion for creating is renewed every Friday night, when I learn of the challenge "parameters"....  It has inspired me to work on my "other" fun projects...currently a gift that will probably not be completed until Christmas's labor intense, and I'm making MANY 
  4. I'm meeting NEW craft friends along the way!!!!

If you peruse through my blog, or my facebook page (The Trudio Studio is my facebook page) you will see what I've been up to for the last 22 creations.  (My labor intense project is actually a gift x's 20, so it won't hit social media until it's given away...2 years from now...)  Looks like I have a little catching up to do... so, my recent creations are here:



All of these are on my facebook page, with descriptions of the parameters and the episode.  I'm getting caught up here with posting, so, I'll attach the link, if anyone is wanting to learn more about the thought process...  I do have an album where I've also individually placed the images by company, if there is interest in knowing where I purchased the stamps....  I may or may not have listed all the supplies, but, I certainly can, if someone is curious would love info!!!

The Trudio Studio:

Be on the lookout for episode #200!!!  If you enter a card, you are eligible for prizes by random wheel...this month, like every month....the prizes are super cool, and I even won once!  :)  

For now, toodles!


When You Wish Upon a Star!

 My recent Craft Roulette entry couldn't have fallen into place any better than it did...  It was almost as if Mr. Wheel was in my craft...