Thursday, November 14, 2024

Blast From the Past Thursday?

 Sounds good to me!  So many projects have never made it to the big screen here on my blog...and as I'm trying to put life into this blog, I thought I'd pop a former creation on here every now and then.  Maybe on Thursdays?  I have and still continue to learn.  I'm not from the generation of technology, so this is all self taught .. I remember the days in our chocolate biz when our brochures were without pictures, just very good descriptions... we must be good writers, because we managed to ship nationwide back then, and still do.  Enter the 21st century, we don't even mail a brochure through the pony express system, just a click of a button, and wowla!!!  brochure done.  We write  it ourselves, I suspect if we invested in a professional photographer, we would benefit...but hey, we made it this far ...  starting our 39th year!  So....  Here you go...  a creation from the past, and a little bit of chocolate too!'s what started this crazy obsession of mine....  

I made this, around 2008ish / 2009 part of a gift for a sister of mine.

And as promised...some Christmas chocolate!  A chocolate lump of coal!!!!  This is and remains to be one of our best selling holiday items!  It's kind of a tradition now for many of our chocolate customers to pop one of these in their kiddo's stockings.  Many a corporate client has given these out during the holidays, we even have sold in very high quantities to a coal company!  


Chocolate Lump of Coal  (don't worry, we don't require those minimums...this is for our distributors)

Adams Place Country Gourmet, Inc.   (one of 2 Facebook pages, long story)

Adams Place Country Gourmet, Inc.  (first Facebook page, not sure how the 2nd one happened, lol)

It truly is a long story how we ended up with 2 different Facebook pages.  I can't figure out how to merge, so we attempt to maintain them both.  We are working on a new website, another work in progress thing.  (The first is through our association we belong's informational...we do respond to e-mails:  Adams Place Country Gourmet, Inc e-mail   Plans were for 2024....looks like 2025 it is!  When it happens, we will be singing from the rooftops about it!  Life does happen to get in the way!  Right now, priority #1 is to get those chocolate orders out asap, lots of company parties, client gifts, and some many customers depend on things getting to them in time!  

Be on the lookout for some VERY! VERY! fun projects for the upcoming  Kindred Stamps release!!!  Event starts next week, release day is:  November 22!  Til then!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Cute layout you created. How many pages did you make for her?


When You Wish Upon a Star!

 My recent Craft Roulette entry couldn't have fallen into place any better than it did...  It was almost as if Mr. Wheel was in my craft...