Wednesday, July 29, 2020


I found it!  The other night...while creating my Growing In Unity Blog Hop card....I found myself staring at the start of my deer & cart, and a bunch of trees.  I was wanting, basically needing to get this card created, as it was time sensitive.  When I get stuck, one of the things I will do, to unstick my creative to hunt through my stash from the past of things I've made before.  I always keep one extra card, I sign and date them on the back (although recently, I quit dating them, but, after my discovery here today...I plan to start dating them again...)  I recalled making a card that I really REALLY enjoyed was simple and if I remember stretched me out of my comfort zone by starting to stamp ON patterned paper, making it interesting and fun.  (Once I started doing that, it's pretty common for me to do that, prior to it...I didn't understand the reason to stamp on something already all pretty and patterned...haha...what I didn't know then...)

Anyhow...I hunted for a time looking for my card that I wanted to use for inspiration....  Well, I never found it...and I knew I needed to get going on my blog hop card....  So, today, while rattling around in my place of business....tackling my list of things to do....I found myself procrastinating (which I'm doing while I'm writing this...)...(my list of things to do is not very fun) .... I peeked over to a little box of cards that I have brought into my work area from my home....and sitting on top of it was my card~!  What's funny, is, I didn't remember the layout as it turned out!  I thought the sun was on the other side.  I remembered the hills a little taller, and I thought I made this in the summer, but I see it was October 2010.  It's funny how inspiration came to me from a memory.  I did heat emboss though, (the little birds here)...and I think this was the start of me decorating the "insides".  I'll have to see from other "dated" cards to confirm that...where oh where...has the last 10 years gone?

At first I wasn't going to show you my "inside"....couple of things...I must have had a reason to bring an unfinished card to the factory....maybe a previous picture of something?  It isn't taped inside, so I need to do that yet....(10 years later!)  And second....there isn't any leaves on the 3rd tree.  I know the set has a tree that stamps this, because I have some of these "insides" in my craft room....I found those, 10 years later in the same pile next to my work area that I originally put them...go figure!  hahaha ... so why, I have this here, unfinished, is beyond my guess....I thought it was funny though...

I'll bet if I keep looking, I'll find more copies of this card here in the candy factory...but...if I kept looking...I'd never get back to my list of things "to do"...which is keeping my business running....oh procrastination at its finest!!! 

Til next time!  Toodles!


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