Friday, May 27, 2022

Seashells in the Sand ...


More completed projects to share! I have been taking a few stamped images out of my craft studio to color while watching has sparked inspiration to create again. I don't even have a plan with a few of them....I come up with that later. This is one of the images, that really didn't have a plan.... My bigger plan with these got put on hold for a little, since I got insanely busy in the chocolate factory. Things are settling down, so I will continue with my original idea with these cards. After I was finished with them, I decided I wanted to make a little gift box with some of our chocolates in the factory.... One of our most popular lines is our "in the sand" line.... and I love the idea of sending a little gift to special people along with this card. The pictures attached are only a tiny portion of our "in the sand" line. 

The stamps used in this card are from Colorado Craft Company:
The line from Colorado Craft Company is Anita Jeram. So very very cute...precious...and FUN to create with!!!!
I believe there is a good sale going on this weekend at Colorado Craft Company! I LOVE this line..... It started with Lovely Legs...then the Big and Anita Jeram. I have a feeling a few more are going to make their way to my mailbox.... It was a very hard decision on what to choose last time I many on my wish list!!!
Last but not least.... our Ocean and Beach line: (so much is NOT shown here...this is a very informational site for our distributors...)
I wish I was at a beach today! 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Hills are ALIVE

 What a fun find it was to come across this favorite film in the form of stamps for me!  I can sing every song, and possibly even recite certain scenes, word for word.  I even have Adelweiss on my playlist!  This will NOT be the last of me creating with the Scrappy Boy "Music Release Stamp Sets Bundle".

It's very much worth heading over to their website, there are many more bundles and sets that have managed to find their way to my craft studio.  I will have hours of fun!

I can wait to use this on a fun holiday project I'm working on!!!!!!  


Friday, May 20, 2022

Cutie Charcuterie!


It's been awhile since I've shared anything! I have a few projects to share. Today I'm sharing something that I passed up over the holidays. I had a customer ask me to design for them and fill an order for charcuterie gift baskets. They actually wanted a fair amount of baskets, like 100 or even more, so it totally would have been worth it for me to explore the idea. That being said, I was so stressed over the orders that I did have going, and dealing with supply issues, I passed up the opportunity. We are not a gift basket company, but we actually do get a few quantity gift basket orders every holiday for companies, and so in a normal year....I probably would have tried. I'm almost thinking this year, offering one up. I would modify it a bit, this was one that I made for special gift for a special person. (you know who you are, if you are seeing this post) 
I won't deny that the card was a bit challenging to color....and I'm taking another go at it, as I'm not 100% certain on some of the items on it for coloring. I don't have a full set of Copics (sure would LOVE a full set though)....but instead, I have bought several sets of the cost efficient brands on Amazon....they definitely aren't Copics (I do have about 60 or better of those, but, I tend to save them, not sure why....what I don't mix them with other brands...these Amazon ones, I mix and match...and I have NO guilt throwing them away, when they get gucky, and they will least I see one particular brand that has gotten icky after about 5 years...really goopy) 
Anyhow, I'm taking another whirl at this card....and every now and then, will tackle an element of round 2 with this card will be different, down the line, don't be surprised if you see it again. I also see changes on the basket too...but, for now....I'm sharing my first go at it!
The stamp set is from Colorado Craft Company. I absolutely LOVE their stamps, they have several artists that I just can't get enough of. 
This is in the Big & Bold line: (I see it's on sale right now)
I think of all the fun possibilities with this set! 


When You Wish Upon a Star!

 My recent Craft Roulette entry couldn't have fallen into place any better than it did...  It was almost as if Mr. Wheel was in my craft...